I've been trying to access the website https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/strona_glowna
Best Answer
The Polish Archives site is back up today, 25 Jan 2023.
Just copied and pasted your URL and got a 404 error - page not found, with a suggestion to check that the URL is correct. If it is, then it looks as though the page has been removed or is not accessible for some reason.
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I've used the site in the past, and have saved links to the site. None of them are currently working. I also checked on a couple of reference sites with links to various Polish research sites. The link is still showing there as the same, but it no longer works. I'll ask on one of the groups with other Polish researchers and see if I can learn anything.
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@robert radzanowski I've received word from a colleague that there is scheduled site maintenance. No word, yet, on when it will be back up.
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I did find a reference online that there was some sort of cyber security breach on the site so it has been taken down until they can complete work on enhancing the security. They said that all the records are fine--they are all still there. There was no word on when it is anticipated it will be back up; it just said "a few weeks". I believe it went down in mid-November. So we are a little past the "few weeks" but you know how slow a bureaucracy works so I guess we all need to be patient. I keep checking back at least once a week.
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Thanks, I, too, have been checking daily. It has been a month that it has been down.
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It's been down for a while now, they mentioned they were hoping to have the site back up in December. It's now the 28th and still not running. They had cyber security attacks and suspended the site but reopened it only in Poland. Check their facebook for more info, that's how they're communicating. Some people are suspecting a political reasoning behind it. I just miss the site I've used for 6 years now.
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Hy, i'm descendant by Johanna Friederike Wilhelmine Wendorf. She to born in 18/04/1830, near to Regenwalde, actual Rezko. I would her born certificate or baptism. You can help me,please? Atenciously, Mara Rúbia Bergel.
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I also have not been able to get it to work still. But if you do new york state genealogy the same thing has happened before with fultonhistory, which was because of site maintenance. But if they're not making it available in the US then I guess there's not much to do except wait, or find someone from Poland!
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There is this new Polish State Archives website that I have waiting on the English version. I don't know Polish. I cannot figure out the Polish version
Archiwum Państwowe w Przemyślu scans can be found herę:
Hopes this help.
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I found this on the new Polish State Archives:
Szukaj w Archiwach dostępny tylko z terenu Polski
Uprzejmie informujemy, że ze względów bezpieczeństwa strona Szukaj w Archiwach (szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl), do odwołania, jest dostępna dla użytkowników wyłącznie z terenu Polski.
We kindly inform you that for security reasons, the Search in Archives website (szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl), until further notice, is available only to users from Poland.
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If you use a VPN and source your location in Poland, you can access the site from the US (e.g., NordVPN). The site only responds to searches from servers in Poland right now. The message when you are denied access now reads: “The Polish State Archives website www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl is currently being prepared for safe access.”. Rumors have circulated that global access will be restored within the month.
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