Unable to attach 1950 Census
I have at least 3 relatives (L13Y-5JQ, L5J5-T76, and MCNT-5CB), that I am not able to attach or see the record. I receive the following message: "We're unable to show this record to you.
This record can only be displayed on certain accounts. FamilySearch must honor the agreements we have with our partners, record owners, and internal policies."
I have not changed in my log in credentials and using the same Church account as well. I have attached other relatives 1950 census reports.
If I cannot attach them, then how do I remove them from the Research Help box on the individual's home page?
Thank you,
Brian Marti
Best Answer
@Brian Marti See this announcement, please. The problem is being worked on https://community.familysearch.org/en/discussion/133029/1950-us-census-hint-error#latest
Thank you.. I looked on past questions, just did not find this one!