Feedback from Over 4,000 Comments Helps Improve New Person Page • FamilySearch

Trying out a new process for a "gradual launch" of the new person page has paid off for FamilySearch users and engineers. After first releas…
If it's not broken why are you continuously fixing it? I've had it with this site.
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This article and other instructions would be good to have posted or linked on the FS home page. I had to dig through: Blog, Solutions Gallery, and finally Community under the Help button to find this article (by accident).
The Learn more hyperlink on the new person page is good, as well as the: Learn about what's different. (same destination page)
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Thanks for the brief summary, but the functionality described in "Publish Your Life Sketch (Now "Brief Life History") on the About Tab" does not currently work. I've submitted comments in the Community as follows:
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I sure hope the Collaboration Alert notes work. Too many people on this site make changes to stuff without looking first to see what they are changing and if it's even the right thing to do. I am constantly mopping up messes that other people are making in my research who have no clue about the families they are changing or merging stuff into. They just don't look at what is already sourced on the individuals and assume too much. That's probably my biggest complaint is that there are too many hands in the pie at times. People need some education on research before they start poking around on here.
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I hate the new look of the site, I worked with it trying to find my way around, and my non-LDS friends that I help, I know would have difficulty getting around the new look, I was glad I finally saw over to the right to change back to use previous version. I didn't find it easy to merge duplicates, I didn't find it easy to follow a person, then I saw a page where someone had two sets of parents with a person, I couldn't figure it out on the new version, finally going back to old version, I had to remove Census, from the person, and I finally could look up on to find the correct parents. If it is not broke why try to fix it.
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I add a pdf source to memories by the new drag and drop method, but cannot find it in my gallery. When i wanted to attach the source in the source list, i could only bring up the photo gallery, and not the document (pdf) gallery.
Please help.
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Don't listen to the whiners, these are great changes. :)
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Thanks for involving and listening to Community! Hopefully people will see the advantages the new pages have. Hopefully a happy medium of changes and same features will grow on everyone.
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Where are my settings?
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