Trying to add a document source to the new person page.

I'm trying to add a document from my gallery, but when I click on Add a Memory Source; Select from Gallery, it only has photos and no documents. When I go to the Gallery, I can see 38 items in my Archion Album, but when I try to access them by adding a source from the new person page, there are only 2 items in that album. I have been adding many sources this way, so I think this might be a glitch on the new person page. (I was able to add the source using the Source Box - but not from my album in the gallery.)
After you upload from your device, click "Actions" at the top left above the image of the item you added. There you will find the option to "Change to Document."
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Thank you for trying to help me. My document has been in my gallery for some time. I cannot access it by clicking "Add A Source." I have been doing this nearly everyday for the past few weeks, as I am working on a large project. I may not have understood your directions, but I don't think it applies in this situation.
When I click add "Select from Gallery" it says "Select Photos to import from your Gallery". Only my photos are showing and not my documents. My documents do show up when I go directly to the Gallery, but not when I am trying to add a source.
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When I try to add a document as a source, it appears to work fine except for the confusing title. When I get to this point:
although it says "Select photos..." every item you see here are documents.
If you scroll through the list you get, are you sure your document is not there?
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Does your document have a title? Have you tried using the Search bar to find it by that title?
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This is a snip from one that I just uploaded as a photo and had to change to document format. Where this snip shows "Change to Photo" you would see "Change to Document."
It's on the individual profile, not your full Gallery.
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Thank you for trying to help me. I hope we can figure this out. After reading your instructions, I still cannot load the document, but I can clarify what's going on.
When I go into my Gallery from the Memories tab, everything is normal. There are 38 records in my Archion Album and they are named. This usually what it looks like when I want to add one of these as a source.
But, as of today, using the New Person Page, when I try to add a source, this is what I get. There are only 2 records in my Archion album. Yes, I tried searching with the exact title, both in the Archion album and in My Memories, but none of these records are appearing.
It seems that the Archion album is not reachable from the Add a Source prompt, because even when I put the name in the search prompt, the documents do not appear.
As I mentioned, I have been following this procedure many times lately. It just happened to stop working for me while using the New Person Page, so that is the only thing I can think of. I may just have to wait until they add the button back to access the old Person Page and try it again, but if you have any other ideas, I welcome them.
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I don't think your idea will help my issue, but it is a good thing to know. I don't have that choice. This is what my page looks like:
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I am getting the same experience as RondaF. In fact, I cannot see to add a document from the gallery to Memories either. Or Sources. The work around is going to have to be that you tag the document to the memories of the person in question, then you can add a source from memories.
I am on the New Person Page, by the way.
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I tried that work around, but it didn't work either. Now that we have access to the old person page, I can do my work. It still won't work on the new person page, but I will give feedback regarding this. Thank you everyone for your help.
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We are working on a fix to be able to select documents from the gallery in the new person page.