1950 census index left off my clearly listed grandmother

Help. The index on the 1950 census, just completely ignored my grandmother's name. I can see no way to edit it since there is no person listed for her at all on the index when her name is very clear on the image.
My grandfather, mother and aunt are indexed while granny is not.
here is the link for it on my grandfather's profile (K8W8-5CD)
if you look at image, my grandmother's name Kathleen L. (LDPR-L27) is clearly visible.
Can anyone help?
I did add a manual link to the record on my grandmother's profile
edit to add = on her page, there seems to be a link to the 1950 census but it says access denied
I have a similar issue. My mother is clearly listed in the original document but is not indexed.
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At least I know it is not just my family. I wish someone would tell us how to fix this
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There are specific problems with the 1950 census collection at present and I believe it is still a "work in progress", so maybe your grandmother will be added at a later date.
In general, one an indexing project is finalised, there is no way to add individuals who have been missed. I have many instances where I have found my relatives' records indexed on one website but omitted on another. This is particularly annoying when the missing record relates to FamilySearch, as there is no direct source to add. Be patient a while to see if her name does appear later, but I wouldn't be too optimistic and - no - there's nothing you can do about this, apart from adding the unindexed image to her page.
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The 1950 census is the first one in which I appear, and I was omitted in the index. My parents and older sibling are at the bottom of a page, and I am at the top of the next, but I was not indexed on FS. I was indexed on Ancestry.
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The issue that you describe, in which you are seeing a 403 error, "record access denied" is one that has been reported several times.
It has been forwarded to be reviewed and resolved by our engineers. We appreciate your frustration when trying access and attach your grandmother's 1950 census record. Unfortunately, although the provide is currently being worked, it would impossible to tell you when to expect that the problem will be fixed.
We, with you, look forward to its resolution.
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Discovered the omission in one of my relatives
Listed my great-granduncle and great-grandaunt, along with a niece (listed as a ward), and great-granduncle (brother of first one, a widower, listed as lodger), with 4 lodgers
All indexed, but 2nd great-granduncle and the niece were not indexed.
Ignatius Schwarz household
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This seems to have been fixed on the new profile page. (I do NOT like the new profile page AT ALL for looks but at least this did work now)