Helping a young man start his own family tree...
A young man (15 years old) recently joined our church and is interested in starting his own personal Family Tree. If he creates a Family Search account using his Church of Jesus Christ log-in credentials, this "new" account would - in theory - not have a Family Tree yet.
If this young man finds the Family Search "ID" for his parents, should he be able to connect to their existing Family Tree by entering those IDs under the "Add a Parent" space on his own tree? (He told me that he's tried this and that it didn't work - perhaps because they are living - but I haven't seen his account to confirm the issue.)
I'm planning to sit down with this young man this evening (in a youth activity focusing on Family Trees), and I'm hoping to help him get his Family Tree set up. -- If there are any tips or best practices for setting up a new Family Tree for a 15-year old young man, I'd appreciate any suggestions you could provide!
His living parent's IDs will not appear for him because FamilySearch Family Tree protects IDs of the living. He can add his parents and create two new IDs for them - which only he will be able to see. If his grandparents are also living he will have the same issue - and will need to create living profiles/IDs for them ... Until he can connect these living profiles with desceased grandparents that may or may not exist already in the Family Tree. If he has a paper pedigree chart of his known ancestors to bring to the activity - say 4 generations - that would be a good guide/start to helping him in the Tree.