Improvements for the full text results feature in Digital Library
The information that currently displays under full text results is of limited value. Currently, full text results will only display with a basic search and only if all search terms appear on the same page (full text results don't display at all when using the advanced search).
If possible, please have full text results display when using the advanced search. And it would also be beneficial to display full text results for at least part of the search terms when terms are located on different pages (maybe, just display the text results for the first search term used).
I am not connected with FamilySearch.
I have come to the view over the years that there is very little interest in the Digital Library in this Community platform.
You might get some response if you email the Digital Library, given in this link as
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Perhaps I and others are misunderstanding the Idea - maybe that is why there is no response? The Digital Library Search and resulting text results DO display the text from the page??
In the above screenshot example, I have circled the Search and OCR full text functions/buttons (upper right corner) available in the current FamilySearch Digital Library book viewer app. The search results - at right - do display ocr text from the page. Is it the OCR interpreted text that you mean has limited value? There I would agree - but that's the result of the OCR technology - which should be improving over the years ... and it DOES attempt to interpret the page ... so I don't know what else to reply.
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I appreciate the feedback and the screenshot, but I was referring to the initial search results. When performing a compound search, the text results do not display unless both search terms are on the same page. In the example below ("John Hutchinson" AND Cortlandville), the name John Hutchinson and place Cortlandville are on different pages of the pdf, so no text result is shown (the area highlighted in yellow).
In this case, it's simple enough to look through the book because the access level is public. But if the access level were protected, then I would have no idea what images are being referenced. Having the search results display the text pertaining to John Hutchinson (and its corresponding image number) would help someone to decide whether the book was relevant, and it would also help when requesting lookup services from FamilySearch.