Add 'View Relationship' Printing
Please consider adding View Relationship to the list of print options. I love your 'view relationship' feature; however, it would be helpful if I could print that view.
Attached is a screenshot of what I am referring to. Unfortunately the screenshot is not as clear as I would like so I am hoping you can add it to the print options instead.
Thank you for your consideration.
It would be nice to be able to print the relationship viewer. When I find someone who I want to connect with that is not LDS and doesn't have an account. If I can print and show them the relationship they are more interested.
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I'm confused. How can you see your relationship to someone else who doesn't yet have an account? Are these living people that you have added to the Family Tree?
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Have you heard of the Snipping Tool app? It is free. I love it. You can open it and click "new" and it will allow you to "clip" any part of any screen on your computer. You can save it or copy and paste it. That would make it really easy to send an image to someone.
1 - can make a nice PDF of the relationships (plural) between any two profiles in Family Tree.
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I use Snip tool and save it as a PDF. Then I use Paint to edit it.
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How do you control the relationship link? I have a couple that appears multiple times back 6 generations. I cannot find out how to control the relationship line to print them. I have talked to LDS twice.
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Reply to Relative Finder comment...
Even though this is a good place and yes you can print out your relationship chart. Not all Relatives (even if you have an FS ID code) will you find a Chart to print out.
So that brings us back to wanting to be able to Print out the Relationship. And if you use the Snip Tool on (windows) or even Take a Screen Grab (Firefox). You can not get a full-page printout.
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You may want to try BYU Relative Finder application - which is FamilySearch compatible:
It allows you to download a printable PDF page - which should allow for easier printing. It also allows you to see relationships to other Mayflower ancestors.
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Thanks @genthusiast for pointing out the BYU Relative Finder application.
It seems like it does allow you to print a chart showing your relation to anybody you are related to. Furthermore, it allows you to route through several different common ancestors (if there are multiple paths). So it does seem like a very good tool, and i appreciate you bringing it up.
Now, sometimes, however, all you want is just the information from the view-relationship button. That information is already marshalled when it shows up on the pop-up window, so all it would take is one more button that says "print" on the pop-up. I think this would also be easier on the servers (because you are just going through the closest common ancestor, so less data to churn through).
So i think the suggestion is still valid, and would be useful, but the BYU tool is definitely very helpful, and makes the need for a "print" button less urgent.
Thanks for your help.
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@Susan Willmott Thank you for your contribution. Your suggestion has been forwarded to the appropriate manager.
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I tried the BYU Relative Finder, it is close. At first I thought it wasn't the right tool because it is showing my relation to famous people outside my tree, but I found if I go to Connect -> With deceased person and put in my relative's ID# then it will make PDF chart similar to FamilySearch's. The only thing I noticed missing from BYU's tool is the clickable relatives that link back to the FamilySearch person's page, that would be nice to have and I suppose I should write to the BYU team directly about that... The person ID is there at least so that could be used to find the person here on FamilySearch... anyway thanks @genthusiast for the suggestion!
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When trying to connect with someone. It would be nice to print or save the view my relationship page.
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Yes, Most other Genealogy sites have it so you can print out the listing of how you are related.
I can screengrab them and add them to my family folder. But here in FS you can not even do that.
Such a Shame too, as I have found I am related to 1 person in more than 1 way. And I would like to compare them with other finds.
This had been a REQUEST FOR YEARS!!!!! Now, when you revamped the whole sight. Many of us were hoping this would be a new feature included. And do not say you can not do this. Because I can do this (with certain people) on Relative Finder (that are of historical or Famous status). And they are using FamilySearch as their database.
So, it should not be such a hard thing to ask for (FOR YEARS NOW)!.
PLEASE PLEASE (picture me begging)
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I would like to be able to print the "View Relationship" profile on several of my ancestors and me so that I might use those pages as book marks in my albums. I called to tech support and was told that the feature I am requesting was not available. So, I am asking if you would please consider making it possible.
Thank you very much
John Harp
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There needs to be a way to save the charted relationship when viewing. When using the print page function on desktop, what gets printed is the relationship person's profile and not the user's charted relationship to that person. At least a print to PDF option or "download this relationship chart" should be made available.