Incorrect children added to my grandparents
You have the option of correcting it yourself.
If the erroneous children are actually versions of the correct children, then you can fix the errors by merging profiles. Copy the incorrect child's ID, go to the correct child's profile details page, and use the Merge By ID function (in the Tools section of the right-hand column).
If the errors stem from mistaking your grandparents for the actual parents of the extra children, then you can fix the error by removing or replacing the parent-child relationships. The correction is more likely to "stick" if you can find the correct parents for the children, but if you can't, then you can just detach the children and leave them "floating".
To remove or replace a parent-child relationship, scroll down to the Family Members section of either the parent's or child's profile details page, find where the child is listed under the incorrect parents, and click the pencil icon to the right of the child's name. This will bring up the relationship-editing pane. Again, find the child and click the "remove or replace" button, then follow the prompts.