I hate the new person page.
This is still a "work in progress" and, as recently mentioned by another user, there is now a section for "My Layout Settings" on the Details page. However, I empathise with your views, as - long after their introduction - I still find it very difficult to work with the "new" Record pages (of similar style), which cannot be easily viewed (without considerably reducing magnification), even on my large monitor. I am sticking with the old page until it disappears, which might seem a bit silly when that seems inevitable, but I don't want to use anything that slows down my work, until I really have to.
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I am open to change. Very few of us like it, but I understand that when things do change in FamilySearch, the Engineers work hard to improve things. I've come to that conclusion after many years using FamilySearch on a daily basis, serving a 6 year FS Service Mission etc. The intent is good, I know that.
HOWEVER. I have to agree I do not like this new format one bit, no matter how hard I try to come to terms with it. I'm a very heavy user of FamilySearch (I'm not talking about my weight either!)..... daily use of 4-5 hours a day would be my average. I have seen all the changes since the change to FamilySearch in its present form in 2012. This one is probably the worst.
One specific thing I REALLY dislike is that you have allowed only 1 line to show for 'reason statements' to show why information is correct and then a big word MORE.... to indicate additional lines. Do you really think that people will click on that? My view is that they won't and this will create errors. It's hard enough to get them to click on 'sources' before making inappropriate merges.
On this occasion I'm really trying to find positives, but this is a real backward step. Appreciate your efforts, but PLEASE just leave things as they are or at least do not switch of the present person page off totally at some point! No wonder so many people are put off using FamilySearch. The constant change (which is not always the same as constant improvement) is a real irritant for many users.
The use of space is not improved at all. It really doesn't help in my view.
Sorry for the negative feedback, but I'm just trying to be fair but to say it how I see it.
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@davidmburns there is actually a New Person Page group that you may be interested in joining, where you can participate in providing suggestions for a more user-friendly page. You can also review information submitted by the Group leaders, as page designs are being worked on by the developer.
Group Goal: Group dedicated to the New Person Page now available to try as part of your FamilySearch experience. Use this group to foster discussions on the new page and share what you love as well what you don't.
If interested, you may go to the Groups section in Community and type in "New Person Page" under the Search Groups field; using your FamilySearch login you may join the group discussions.
Here is a link, if needed: https://community.familysearch.org/en/group/316-new-person-page