What is the difference between Catalog search and Image search?
I was just wondering, what is the difference between image search and catalog search?
It seems like there are multiple places to search for records and was not sure of the difference of these 2. What does Record search has that Catalog search do not? Also, what does Catalog has that image search do not offer?
Thank you.
Great question.
Disclaimer: I am responding as a Community member and not a FamilySearch representative. I am responding in English with Google translate to Korean below (hopefully that is helpful). I don't know the exact/comprehensive answers to your questions but hope I can help a little.
Image Search: (subset of Catalog) I believe these are the images of microfilm and possibly microfiche which FamilySearch has imaged/stored over many years from various countries - and possibly also newer scans from missionaries sent all over the world for this purpose (preservation of important records of various countries). Images available may be unindexed, in the process of indexing, or perhaps may remain unindexed based upon agreements with the record custodians allowing imaging. The rate at which images are available is astounding and you can see a counter of images being added in real-time:
this also has a list of the most recently added images (which reflects the international/worldwide nature of these images):
Catalog search: (super set) I believe this extends from the earlier FamilySearch Family History Library Catalog (A large library in Salt Lake City, Utah). You can read about the Catalog:
So it is many of the same records as in Image Search but also books and periodicals that were or are housed, classified and catalogued into this system or database and which were/are available at the Family History Library. In addition, there have been comments that the Catalog is in the process of updating to a new and different system - so it will most likely look different from its current condition in the near future.
Record Search: (subset of Catalog) I believe this contains only the records from microfilm and microfiche that are indexed (thus making them searchable).
What is the reason for overlap/duplication into these different resources you may be wondering? If a researcher knows there might be a book they are looking for- or doesn't know but wants to explore - Search> Books is probably a good place to start - but one can also search the Catalog. If one knows a location and timeframe of an ancestor - Record Search - entering that search criteria is a great place to start. And if one wants to learn about or kind of browse what types of records are from a location/timeframe - then perhaps Image Search is a good way to start. From my perspective I believe the simplest answer to some of your questions is to state that the Catalog is a super set of all the records/holdings of FamilySearch and that Record Search and Image Search are subsets thereof - broken out into these sub-categories for ease of access/searching.
There are also the other categories under Search menu - Family Tree (where people have been entered from records or other persons to record families/relationships in a shared, connected, one-world family tree structure), Genealogies (where these same types of family trees have been submitted by FamilySearch patrons over many years), and Wiki (another digital document/internet page type of presentation about what records may be available for specific locations - and may be one of the better places to refer to other record custodians, libraries or collections not housed by FamilySearch - as written by location or specialized expert contributors). I believe the wiki - Guided Research is a newer offering and which may helpfully guide beginning researchers through finding records of interest.
Basically researchers need to familiarize themselves what is contained within these different categories, offerings and presentations - and then can go about researching in whichever manner suits them best. Some may prefer one type of presentation - the Catalog for example - over Record Search. Exploring these different resources is probably the best way of becoming acquainted with them - and then you can decide which to use to assist you with searching for your family. If a particular link or resource is not making sense or you have suggestions about presenting them differently - you can make such suggestions here in FamilySearch Community - under Suggest an Idea or ask questions - there are many in Community that can help.
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따라서 이미지 검색과 동일한 기록이 많이 있지만 이 시스템이나 데이터베이스에 보관, 분류 및 목록화되어 있거나 가족 역사 도서관에서 사용할 수 있는 책과 정기간행물도 있습니다.
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검색 메뉴 아래에 다른 범주도 있습니다. - 패밀리 트리 (사람들이 기록 또는 다른 사람으로부터 입력되어 공유되고 연결된 단일 세계 가계도 구조에서 가족/관계를 기록하는 경우), 족보 (이와 같은 유형의 가족이 있는 경우 나무는 수년에 걸쳐 FamilySearch 후원자들에 의해 제출되었습니다.) 및 Wiki (특정 위치에 대해 어떤 기록을 사용할 수 있는지에 대한 또 다른 디지털 문서/인터넷 페이지 유형의 프레젠테이션이며 다른 기록 관리인, 도서관을 참조하기에 더 좋은 곳 중 하나일 수 있음) 또는 FamilySearch에서 보관하지 않는 컬렉션 - 위치 또는 전문 전문 기고자 가 작성한 대로 ). 나는 위키를 믿습니다 - Guided Research 새로운 제안이며 관심 있는 기록을 찾는 과정에서 초보 연구자를 안내할 수 있습니다.
기본적으로 연구자는 이러한 다양한 범주, 제안 및 프레젠테이션에 포함된 내용을 숙지한 다음 가장 적합한 방식으로 연구를 진행할 수 있습니다. 일부는 레코드 검색보다 한 가지 유형의 프레젠테이션(예: 카탈로그)을 선호할 수 있습니다. 이러한 다양한 자원을 탐색하는 것이 아마도 그들과 친해지는 가장 좋은 방법일 것입니다. 그런 다음 가족을 찾는 데 도움이 될 자료를 결정할 수 있습니다. 특정 링크나 자료가 이해가 되지 않거나 다르게 제시하는 방법에 대한 제안이 있는 경우 - 여기 FamilySearch 커뮤니티에서 제안을 할 수 있습니다 - 아이디어 제안 또는 질문 아래 - 커뮤니티에 도움을 줄 수 있는 사람이 많이 있습니다.
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I am not connected with FamilySearch
The Image Search only contains records which are available without restriction on your home computer.
In contrast the Catalog lists digitised microfilms which may only be viewed at a Family History Centre, or at a FamilySearch Affiliate Library. In some instances the Catalog lists records which can only be viewed as a microfilm at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City.
Edit: LDS church members have access to a more extensive collection of records in Image Search than non church members. Non LDS church members will therefore find there are some records in Image Search which won't display.
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I would only make a search from https://www.familysearch.org/records/images/ if I suspect there might be records there (recently added ones, in particular) that cannot be accessed via the Catalog. It is very difficult to search within Images, largely due to records being misplaced under an inappropriate heading.
The images below illustrate how difficult it is to search Images - and this location is one of the easier ones to work with! The problems are based on how many "standard place names" there are for the location and how the records have been divided. As seen here, a "collection" often consists of just a few images, so nultiple searches have to be made if it is unclear under which heading the record you are seeking might be found. (As mentioned, a record might have been placed under the wrong heading, so you have to investigate everything - "just in case".)
There are two "versions" of records for Walton le Soken under Images - for other locations there might be far more. From there, for the first six results for "Walton le Soken, Essex, England, United Kingdom" look identical, so you would have to make six separate searches. I would only search from Images if the same material / images cannot be found / viewed under Catalog - as they are often likely to be found as the contents of one digitized film: hence, just one place to go to, instead of six. As I say, the material in Images can be previously unpublishedm but I would always try the Catalog section first as I have found searches within Images to be just too painful - and, often, unfruitful.
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I gave up on Search - Images long ago. I'm not sure what the exact intent was with that section, but it is badly broken: as Paul points out, it's nearly impossible to get the search to cough up what you want, and in all of the fracturing into little pieces, nothing is labeled with the actually-important details, such as the denomination of the church. In any case, the material covered is the same as in Search - Catalog, in my experience, so I just stick with that.
Search - Records, on the other hand, is a different species: it looks at indexed data. The indexes are usually based on the images that can be searched and browsed via the Catalog (or for masochists, via Images), so there is a strong connection between the species. This often causes confusion.
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At last I've managed to post my screenshots (above) - with just a few minutes "editing time" left on the clock!
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Regarding my post of 10 October 2022 , the 3rd line should read
In contrast the Catalog also lists ...