In the Massachusetts Boston Tax Records, batch [M31N-5GZ] has two
George M. Richardsons. The second George M. Richardson has the words "Totes" in his entry, but it is in the "Polls" column. This makes it look like Totes may be his last name instead of Richardson. My first inclination is to think that it is another George M. Richardson, but thought I would ask here first to see if anyone else has information about the "Totes" entry. Is "Totes" used for anything in the "Polls" column?
Thank you in advance for any assistance.
Best Answer
That word/abbreviation is "Tste" (for Trustee - perhaps meaning that the Trustee signed for him or the Trust or that he is the Trustee). Just ignore the word "Trustee" and index the name. You'll see a more obvious abbreviation of "Trustee" further down the page, where you'll see "Tstee."
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