Can someone help with the translation of the headings of this page and #12 in 1869?
Best Answer
[Editing to add dots in place of the spaces that it ate]
Sorszám: line number
A vőlegény: the groom
...neve és polgári állása: 's name and civil position
...lakhelye: 's place of residence
...vallása: 's religion
...életkora: 's age ("life-age")
...állapota: 's status
..........nőtlen: single ("without woman/wife")
.........özvegy: widowed
esketési év, hó, nap: year, month, day of wedding
A menyasszony: the bride
...neve és polgári állása: 's name and civil position
...lakhelye: 's place of residence
...vallása: 's religion
...kora: 's age
...állapota: 's status
........hajadon: single, maiden
........özvegy: widowed
Tanuk: witnesses
Eskető neve: name of officiant
Josef Mislyan, Lak., R.C., 21, single
November 2
An. Csuprinka, Lak., G.C., 18, single
Mislyan (?) Rimak(?) Josef
Kamenszky Jósef
If I'm right in putting together the clues, then "Lak." is short for Lakárt, Ung county. But it could be much more easily deciphered if you simply gave the location for the register.
Would Rimak be a name or maybe a title of some kind?
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I think they forgot to record the given name of the first witness (surname Mislyan, same as the groom). Rimak (or possibly Kimak?) Josef are the surname and given name of the other witness.
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That makes sense. Thanks so much for your help and for your quick response.