Misleading Title: Revolutionary War Pension Payments
A search for my ancestor's military service links to a file entitled, "United States Revolutionary War Pension Payment Ledgers 1818-1872." The citation for this file is NARA microfilm publication T718, Roll 16.
The first image in this file reads, "Ledgers of Payments 1818-1872 to US Pensioners under Acts of 1818-1858 From the Records of the Office of the Third Auditor of The Treasury, Roll 16, Vol. O, Widow Pensions Under Act of July 4, 1836; 1843-1862."
Clearly, the entries in this ledger are not just for Revolutionary War service, but for other wars too. In the case of my ancestor the pension is for service in the Mexican War. He was born in c1810 and was killed in service. His wife received a pension beginning in 1848.
Perhaps you have a reason to label it "Revolutionary War" but it sure is misleading and NARA does not mention the RW in their description of the file. I almost did not even look at the file because I knew my ancestor did not serve in the RW.