your family history. Explore the world’s largest collection of free family trees, genealogy records and resources.
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@LuisMarintezCabral, no, you cannot, because there is no My tree on FamilySearch. There is only one common tree shared by everyone. Get it, you do not have a tree on Family Tree you are part of the Shared tree. You can go wherever you want in the One Family Tree and make corrections, updates or additions to it. You can add sources and memories etc but you cannot replace it with your private Ancestry tree.
Now if you are talking about the genealogies section of Family Tree then you can replace it. Are you talking about the Genealogies Section or are you talking about FamilySearch's one Family Tree?
you can indeed
BUT manually - ONE record at a time into FamilyTree. though - and only if you see that it needs to be updated
keep in mind this is NOT a system where you have a family tree and I have a separate family tree (like Ancestry)
Family tree does not offer private family trees like does.
this is one single database that MILLIONS of users share. - rather than milliosn of different family trees like offers.
any update you make in this system can impact other users. WE all have to work collaboratively together.
MOST of your family ancestors are ALREADY here in Family Tree.
Please watch this video
Keeping the master tree here and periodically copying it to Ancestry works much better.
Yes I am speaking about the genealogies section of Family Tree. Can I upload the Gedcom or do I need to do it individually? I appreciate all that have answered. Thank you.
Yes - the genealogies section you can upload to - but that is not the same thing as FamilySearch Family Tree (the main collaborative family tree database)
@LuisMarintezCabral yes, you may upload a GED file on FamilySearch, but not replace the Family Tree, as has been stated. Here are a few details from FamilySearch:
1. Upload it on FamilySearch - Once uploaded, it becomes searchable within approximately 15 minutes and will be preserved on FamilySearch.
2. Compare it with Family Tree - Reduce your work by identifying already researched ancestors or possible matches to your ancestors.
3. Contribute your GEDCOM to Family Tree - After comparing your GEDCOM you can share your research with the Family Tree community. Any living people in your GEDCOM will not be added to Family Tree.
Below is a link that will take you to the place to begin uploading your tree:
@LuisMarintezCabral Yes you can upload a Gedcom to Genealogies. Then when you have done additional research and you would like to upload the new information, create a new Gedcom and delete the old one. You delete it going to the same place that you uploaded it: