Looking for a birth date
His record in Family Tree is L5FP-FMC.
According to census records, he was born in Wellington, Somerset. FindMyPast gives no results in Wellington or anywhere in Somerset or Devon. Wellington is close to the border between the two counties and is only 5ml from Culmstock.
Stradling is a common name in Wellington. Results from FMP in the time period list
Parents Michael and Sarah do not feature.
Of the siblings, there are only birth dates given for Michael (born 9 years before the next child - a long time) and Elizabeth (marked as maybe born in Warwick - seems highly unlikely). There are no sources to say where these birthdates came from.
Lack of christening records suggest that perhaps the family did not belong to the Church of England. The library catalogue does not offer any non-conformist records covering that time period. Might be worth exploring whether the Somerset Record Office can offer anything.
Clearly many others have looked without success so it is unlikely that my brief look will have yielded anything more.
Sorry that I cannot offer anything better.
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