How to keep your own research "in-tact" while still working in a COLLABORATIVE environment

The collaborative nature of FamilySearch -- is a hurdle to some new users and a legitimate concern for those seeking a solution to having total control over a "private version of the family tree" -- Familyearch just is not deigned for that paradigm
BUT I also think way too many people -- throw the baby out with the wash water -- for no good reason. (discontinue their use of FS when they feel it doesn;t give them the personal control they want in what they perceive as a "private family tree" [which it is not] )
THIS is an article I wrote about the subject
and this is one quote from the above link:
BUT one thing that I again and again go back to - is how much we can all so often leverage FamilySearch Memories - to not only preserve our own research - but preserve it in a way that even 10 years from now - it will still be in the same exact format that we left it.
In other words - how to upload versions of our research and documents - in ways that we don’t have to worry about others totally destroying or wreaking havoc on our documents - our research – our compilations - our family histories.
Way too many people don't perceive how FS Memories can be used to preserve in tact their own research compilations.
Check out the link above.
also check out this link:
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Agree with your comments.
The key to a collaborative tree is, in my view, to ensure that you keep a copy of your tree elsewhere where no one can tamper with it. It surprises me that so many people do not do this.
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Most Definitely agree 😀
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Get a program which allows an interface with FamilySearch's Family Tree. Rootsmagic is one. I think Ancestral Quest might also. And I am sure there are others. Keep a clean, sourced and beautiful tree and update familysearch as necessary. Provide sources and notes when there are disputes (I just copy it over from my Rotosmagic.)
Not everyone knows how to do genealogy. Most people using Familysearch are not trained genealogists with a lot of experience. I have 24 years of experience in research, have a degree, and work as a professional. I don't like people touching my research which is why I keep one clean and crisp copy while I use Family Tree as a backup and where I update it as necessary.