How do I know which projects to index so that my ward gets credit for the work I do?
I have been called to be an indexing worker in my ward. I have found the web indexing area on FamilySearch and noticed there are several different projects that are rated on their difficulty level. My question is, how do I know which projects to index so that my ward gets credit for the work I do?
Best Answer
As long as you're registered to index in Family Search, your ward and stake will both get the number of records you index no matter which projects you work on. All projects count. However, your numbers will be added to the total records indexed in your ward and stake. They don't get an individual's numbers. You don't need to keep track and report your numbers because the system will take care of it. Only you and Family Search can actually see the numbers that YOU do individually. That will be on your indexing page.
Thank you, that was very helpful!