Search icon question
In preparation for teaching a Family History class looking for examples: in Search Historical Records I filled out with a name Joseph Rue and a place New Jersey and no date. (Knowing that there are enumerable Joseph Rue's from 1600 to present day.)
The results came up with the usual icons and then I noticed a new one shaped like a person upper half of body and head.
When you hover over the icon (before clicking) it says "View Possible Tree matches" not attach this record!!
I assumed it would bring up a list or the record on the side to peruse but when I clicked on it and it brought up a person in Family Tree on the right and the historical record on the left in the attach records page. The record did belong to that individual but for a new user to Family Tree and historical records it would be easily assumed that the record should be attached since it came up as the source linker page.
I was teaching FS History consultants today and showed them the "View Possible Tree Matches" by hovering and they were very excited until I clicked on it and it brought the Source Linker page up!!
Maybe a better label?? or have it open to a different type of page??
My complaint about the same thing:
I think there are two major problems with the icon: hijacking the page, and the false advertising about its function. As you said, "View Possible Tree Matches" does not mean "attach this record", and yet, that's what it tries to do -- in the same browser tab where your search results used to be.
I currently have that icon filed as "dangerous, do not touch, does not provide usable information".