South Africa cemetery records, Listing of Graves
Best Answer
You will index this batch. Index the name and mark the other fields blank. A good tool to use when a field has the same value throughout the batch is this radio button. Go to the first field that is blank and click the button, then follow straight down with the other fields. From experience, I know that doing this in this project is a tad tedious, but it will save you time. You can also use Alt+Shift+D. Happy indexing!
Please share your batch code. Your batch code is located at the top of your indexing screen and looks like this: [1111-AAA]. You can also find the code under Batch --> About Batch.
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South Africa, Johannesburg—Cemetery Records, 1840–2019[M3LC-8KS]
Thank you for looking erutherford.
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I just opened a similar batch to index and it had already been completed. M3LC-FXS. I am not sure if a reviewer has marked it no extractable data or if they sent it back to be reindexed.
I have seen some projects with instructions to mark this type of index as no extractable data but that instruction is not included in this project's instructions.
It would be good if we could somehow get everyone indexing and reviewing to agree so these don't go around and around.
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I have a batch now, [M3LJ-KR3], that has one date. Went through the reference images and did not find anything that would help in figuring out where the date belongs. I'm leaning towards a burial date, but I want to be certain that it is the burial date. It frustrates me when the PI doesn't cover every type of batch.
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erutherford The information for the set of records including batch M3LJ-KR3 state:
After looking at the batch and with the information above I would agree with you, burial date.
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@LarryClark43 Thank you kindly.
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Your Welcome!
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What if there are no dates or places, just grave numbers and names?
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The first batch at the top of this conversation was exactly that. It is no longer available to share so there is no way for you to know that. As mentioned above the instructions do not say to mark it as no extractable data but they also do not include an example of how to index those pages.
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I am indexing one of those now after a previous Indexer marked them as No Ex Data. Since I have seen other records like this one CLEARLY saying Johannesburg Cemetery, Why not put that as the cemetery on these?
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My point of view is previous indexer probably did not see it listed in the examples and marked it NED.
If there are only names and grave numbers, you will index the batch, marking everything else blank. Almost every batch I've done, with the exception of World War II discharge records earlier this year and a few others I've forgotten about, have been index what you see. Not every record will have everything a project is asking for. This batch may be name and grave number, but your next batch could be name, date of death, sex, age and burial date. Even in the "cookie cutter" projects like birth/death records and WWII draft cards (lord, those were neat!) did every record have everything. Don't hesitate to ask questions. That's how you, as an individual, and us as a community, grow to be better indexers.
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I am working on South African Cemetery records. My problem is that the burial date seems to be before the birth date. If I am reading the sequence of the numbers correctly. In the example it is date/month/year, so birth would be (20/11/1927) Day 20, Month Nov, Year 1927. However, the burial date is (4/7/11) or Day 4, Month July Year 1911. See what I mean. With the year written out it is hard to see it otherwise.
Thanks for your help. Wish we still had chat available.
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It is 2011. If you look at the second image, it is signed on July 1, 2011.
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After the name of the deceased, there is either a "mev" or "mnr". What does that mean?