How to get a quality check to read a date
I am a reviewer, and am reviewing a batch.. I finished the batch, and clicked submit... quality check came up, and it wouldn't accept a date in the submission.. If I went back and clicked on 'submit batch", it came up with the same date over and over that it would not accept.. how do I get it 'unstuck'?? By the way , I've checked the date over and over and it IS correct..
Try deleting just that one entry and then re-enter it, just a thought - could be there's a better answer if you share the batch code
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Often the Project Instructions will have an instructions not to index a record before or after a certain date. For instance, I worked on a project that said not to index any records prior to 1850. The quality check might be telling you to check the project instructions, especially the section What To Remember About This Project.
It is always best to share your batch code (the series of letters and numbers in brackets following the title] to get the best answer.
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Thanks, Melissa - I hadn't thought of checking PI for before and after dates.
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You've asked for a batch number, and near as I can tell, it's /1514b258-a943-41c7-9b15-e4fcab59dcd6, and is the Grantor index for the Finger Lakes, 1690 -1975... So, my dates in the 1880s fall right in the middle of the span.. still don't know how to fix it, but I've tried both of your suggestions, and the quality check is still being stubborn.. I've read the instructions, and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong...
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@LindaGraham1 I couldn't locate the Project from the /1514b258-a943-41c7-9b15-e4fcab59dcd6 that you gave us, so I'm tagging @John Empoliti to help - he knows how to search better than I do. Here's another question: is Quality Check telling you all the entries in the 1880's aren't accepted or just one or two?
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Whoever indexed this batch did a wretched job of it. They completely missed the first entry, don't have the Deed Month on some records and the wrong months on some others. For future use, the batch code is the seven digits located in brackets at the top of the indexing screen. [M3YJ-J1D] is this batch's code. You can also access the batch code by going to Batch --> About Batch on your indexing screen.
What might work *and I stress might* is to clear your cache. If you use Chrome, Go to the three dots on the right-hand side of the toolbar. Click Settings. Search for "Cache". This dialog box will come up. From there, you can choose from a few options. I always choose to clear my cache (pronounced "cash") simply because deleting cookies will kick you out of sites that you are logged in to, from FS to email. Once you have chosen to cleared your cache/cookies, click Clear Data, exit out of Chrome and restart your machine. I haven't worked in anything other than Chrome in almost 15 years, so I no longer can recall what needs to be done to clear other browser's cache and cookies.
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I’m unable to open the batch (“Access Restricted”) but @erutherford seems to have analyzed it in detail, so I’ll defer.
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Before clearing all cookies, I would clear just Family Search Cookies - easier and safer, I think --here's the article and possibly, since you are reviewing, you may want to return that batch and choose another from the same project
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I think the problem is not with the dates, but, that you didn't check off Step 1 - Should this image be indexed? (Click Yes)! It is going to the date by default, being the first entry field.
You DO NOT need to clear the cookies or the cache - although it is a good housekeeping move every once in a while when you want to have to re-sign into all your programs. ;)
You do need to insert the first record before submitting the batch. Easily done by using the add records tool and inserting one record before the first record. I would index Feb as the deed month for the first 5 records, Record 8 is December, The rest of the months are fine.