Polish translation of a phrase please
Could someone please help me to translate the phrase fundacyi Kotwicza? It was found in a gazetteer, within this passage:
kościół katolicki parafia murowany; naa cmentarzu grzebalnym kaplica, fundacyi Kotwicza, synagoga....
I believe that this means: a brick Catholic parish church, a chapel in the burial cemetery, ?????, a synagogue....
Thank you!
According to DeepL Translateor, the words translate to anchor or foundation.
This is their rendition of the whole phrase:
Catholic church parish brick; in the burial cemetery chapel, foundation of Kotwicz, synagogue.
Hope this helps.
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Thanks for your input, Gary. I actually used both Deepl Translate and Google Translate, but neither really made sense to me. I suspect a better translation may be founded by Kotwicz, but I haven't been able to prove it.