Boston Tax Records Question
There have been many questions asked concerning this project. The problem arises in how you interpret the following instruction.
- Index all names except those listed in the "Owner" or "Remarks" columns, or names of companies or trusts. Often, names of owners appear on the right side of the image; these names should not be indexed.
Personally I would index Lyman Devens as the and Co. follow the name. I would have also indexed William Devenny and John Mcallister.
I have not been indexing any names that are preceded by "Store by" or "Shop by" as the instructions are very specific on this point.
a previous answer for this question came from annewandering , she stated:
They should be indexed if it contains a complete name. Example. Johnson and Johnson would not be indexed. Johnson's Hardware would not be indexed. Howard Johnson's Hardware would be indexed, Howard Johnson.
We did ask for clarification and this is in essence what we were told.
added: Notice that the issue of Owner does not arise. These are not in the Owner column.
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Thanks. I needed confirmation I was doing the right thing. I have not indexed them (by) as well because the instructions are clear on that point.