New person page disadvantages and advantages
Disadvantages: 1) When you enter the family origin, the entire page does not appear.
It comes out in small letters between small letters. I like the previous version of personal page better than the one now.
2) In the previous mode, when you want to copy the Clan Name you could copy the family origin directly from the page, but now you need to click the Clan Name and then you can copy only when you are in the edit mode again.
3) It is better to put the edit button right next to the source in the person page. I wish there was a pencil in the square like the old icon.
4) In the family members section, I hope that there is a distinction between the parent and the child by a square box as the the previous version.
5) In the previous version, when a person has two spouses, ‘adding spouse’ button was right above the couple’s name so it was convenient. But the current version has it below the children, so it is inconvenient.
1) It is good to be able to attach a source for each detail
2) It is good to be able to enter Another relationship. When you enter your neighbors or a person in the work place, their family or posterity can find that person.
3) The introduction part is really well done. Even if I don't record, it has a chronology, a story, a source, and various contents.