Extend fan chart display with 1- 2 generations more
The fan chart display is the most comprehensive way to show the ancestry. I like it extremely.
Issue: Having pedigrees with 10+ generations the current maximum of 7 +1 (the children) generations is often to restrictive for an overview. :-(
Proposal: As the PDF output quality and zoom allows to see more details, it would be "perfect" if I could configure also the number of generations from 7 to 10.
Hope your programmers can implement this in a new version :-)
Many thanks in advance
Do you not use Puzzilla?
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Many thanks to the helpful answers.
I tested and analyzed the recommended tools and their additional functionality so far in the last hours:
a) RelativeFinder https://relativefinder.org/ Genial tool for finding relationships between persons. BUT does not offer the desired one-page-graphical printout of all ancestors on one page with name, birth, death...
b) Puzilla https://puzzilla.org/ Easy to use, quite fast even for 12 generations, fascinating tree slice graph of all anchestors and descendents with person-per-person-analysis, very useful for completion! BUT does not offer the desired one-page-graphical printout of ALL ancestors on one page with name, birth, death...
3) One-Page-Genealogy https://opg.familytech.byu.edu solves my request in an acceptable way. E.g. 14-gen-chart:
Again many thanks for helping me in this IMHO important anchestry printout issue. Have fun digging deeper!
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I am glad One-Page-Genealogy works for you. Most times I try it I get this error message: