How do I report an error in an index?
Best Answer
@Lynne Johnston Westra, thank you for reporting this error in the Search Results for Kataryna Krzyska. We are seeing this problem in multiple collections, and the engineers are working to resolve them.
I will ensure that this instance of the problem is reported and put in the queue for the engineers to review and resolve. Unfortunately, it is impossible to suggest, at this time, when the problem, as seen in this instance, will be fixed.
Another place standardization error showing only in the search results. The extract shows both parents' place of birth as "Pole." The algorithm has done its thing - again.
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Described as in?
With all records, birth records included, we are to type what we see. Without seeing the image, the indexer (if following type what we see) typed Kataryna's birthplace as Pole, San Juan, Washington. With multiple localities, we go from smallest to largest, so it's Pole (city/town/village), San Juan (county), Washington (state). None of the records that I've done that involve locations have had descriptions. The closest thing is "near (city)". So if she was born near Pole, the indexer would still index as Pole, San Juan, Washington.
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@erutherford that's not the issue in this case. This is yet another issue of the placename standardization algorithm run amok.
The algorithm has misinterpreted the location which is NOT in Washington.