Please add a home 'button' for Family tree view
It is time-wasting and cumbersome to have to move through the tabs to find Recents, then click on my own name (supposedly the user is always supposed to be the Home person) to get my Tree View back to my own family, even after having cleared cookies and rebooted my browser. This is a new glitch that has never happened before that Family Tree View defaults to whatever person was last viewed instead of, after closing the program and browser, having Tree view return to the home person. Please fix this issue by adding an icon to return to Home person. Thank you. is a good model.
Such a button already exists (except in Descendancy view). It looks like a house.
Unfortunately, the button insists on resetting the zoom, so I find the Recents menu route to be slightly better.
I agree that one's home person needs to revert back to being, well, one's home person.