In batch [M3Y5-4LT] in the Massachusetts Boston Tax Records
in the 3rd entry by the name Catherine M she is said to be the wife of Jos P. The second entry is Joseph P. I would index both Jos P and Joseph P because they are spelled differently. The original indexer did not index Jos P. I am reviewing and would like to make sure that Jos P should be added.
Thank you in advance for any assistance.
Best Answer
As directed in the project instructions as follows we do index each of these names.
Project Instructions, What to Remember about this Project, bullet point 3: "Index each unique name. Some names may be duplicated. When names are exact duplicates, index only the first instance of the name listed. Skip the other exact duplicates, and then index the next unique name. When the middle initials or the given names or surnames are spelled differently, please index these unique names.
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