Finding My Father in the 1950 Census • FamilySearch

Finding My Father in the 1950 Census • FamilySearch
I was able to find my father in the census and so can you! Read more about the 1940 and 1950 census.
Hello Jason Wright; As I do not know if my last message went through. I will re-comment here. Thank you for the beautiful article. I am so glad you did It. It reminded me of my dear friend, Darlene Wright, (We were both very young) My mother Bea Brady ( Avenues in Salt lake city) baby-sat Darlene in the 60's. I was absolutely heartbroken when her large family had to move to Blanding UT. Do you know of this family. I would love to re-connect with them. My name is Anita Brady Bergman. Thank you for your inspiring article and the consideration.
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