New wording on Suggest an Idea page. Possible bug- only appears when not signed in.

I notice there is new wording on the Suggest an Idea page
which I have copied below. I notice however the wording only appears WHEN I AM NOT SIGNED IN. I cannot think of a reason for this difference so I assume it is a BUG, and the wording should also appear when a person is signed in, which I would think would be most of the time for most people.
"The Suggest An Idea category is designed to generate and discuss new ideas. Please offer feedback and bug reports in the General Questions category. How to Participate:
- Search for previously created ideas before posting your own and add your own thoughts.
- See something you think could be improved that hasn’t already been suggested? Select the blue + NEW IDEA button toward the top right side of the page.
- When posting a new idea, please provide as much detail as possible.
- When responding to an idea, please post constructive comments.
- Vote and comment on other members' ideas.
- Validate how the ideas are relevant or offer additional insight.
- Refine and build upon the ideas of others."
Best Answers
That yellow box has been at the top of the Suggest an Idea page ( for months now, and I'm pretty much always signed in when I go there.
Maybe there's something weird going on with the site cookies?
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I see the same Suggest an Idea landing page whether I am signed in or not.
Thanks both for your comments. I cleared my browser history but it didn't make any difference, I still cannot see the wording when I am signed in.
I have also realised there are other things in this Community I can only see when I am not signed in, such as the displayed link to all Discussions
However, it is appears that this is not a general problem as I first thought, but something specific to me.
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Both my screenshots are from Firefox, on Windows 10. I sometimes have a slightly different view on another browser.
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@MaureenE123, looking at @Áine Ní Donnghaile's screen shots closely, I see that they are actually different. When signed in, there is a small x in the top right corner and a bell in the lower right in that yellow square.
The Community software (which is not written by FamilySearch) has some interesting quirks. I have no idea what the bell is for. Hovering over it you get a tool tip that says Follow but I don't know what you would be following.
If the x is a standard close command, I wonder if once you close that yellow box it is gone for good with the setting saved somewhere other than a standard cookie? Could you, Maureen, have closed it last year when it first appeared and forgotten about it?
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There is the ability to Dismiss announcements at the top of groups. This is a case where you are able to dismiss the text at the top of the group by clicking that little x in the upper-right-hand corner that @Gordon Collett noticed. Once you click that x it tells the system that you(personally, only when you are signed in) have seen the announcement and don't want to see it anymore. It is a way to go straight to the information on the page without any of the announcements pushing information lower down on the page.
So, No. This is not a bug. It is as it was intended. However, your query does bring to light that the formatting for that announcement is confusing for people coming in to the system. We'll need to work on clarifying that! Thanks for bringing this up!