can this user be stopped

I have been a long time user, but a few months ago I stopped entering information on your site because of one single person
I was informed by another user that family search had fixed this problem.
today I entered Bernard 'the Dane' de Harecourt G9W3-16P
he intern deleted all ten sources and offspring changed name to Monte Gommerii, removed birth & death date & deleted person entirely.
there are many other entries that have been changed the same way.
I reentered this information and he deleted all again.
the complaints I had made against this person are as follows;
RE: Case 08184391 & Case 08193291
+ other Case number’s
he is doing the identical destruction as before but with different names; ie; Carol3,568 &
Kate7,273 there may be more of his user names ?
@Jamesgs Thanks for bringing this to our attention and submitting cases regarding this user. These types of abuses are not tolerated but they are also hard to stop completely. We have several automatic processes in place to help us find them but we also rely on our users telling us when they see something. Using the Report Abuse link that is found in the Tools menu on the Person page is a great option.
I followed up with the team that handles these and they have corrected the things this user did the best that the system will let them and they have taken appropriate action with the user.
So sorry this keeps happening. Please keep reporting.
Sam 🤨
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here's two more to add to this list - Adam4,605 & Tera5582
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@Jamesgs (and any other readers who may have a similar issue):
That you have case numbers means FT staff have sent you emails in response to your using the Report Abuse link on FT. Keep those emails. When (if) the same pattern of vandalism starts up again reply to one of those emails to report the PIDs where you discover vandalism and the display names of the contributor(s) doing the vandalism.
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a few days after i made comments about this problem, i re-entered the information.
if you look deeper,
Bernard 'the Dane' de Harecourt G9W3-16P
When sources are checked on any of the April 23, 2022 & August 16, 2022 entries, then look in View Source and Latest Changes, under see all,
Changes were made by @Kate7,273, @GelHp9eJho1pyO, @R8VTSeGDPcbvmwCkj.
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Since the last time I made this complaint , this same person has stepped up his assaults on any user that he can.
?- Nuria47 - not sure
?- Kalyn59 - not sure
? SamSeamons - not sure
Karen7,395 deleted GZ8D-JRG Gommoric Ingvarsson + all info. And changed name to Monte Gummerii.
MAbVl4g3Tizlc changed M8RK-75X Ingvar Ragnarsson King Denmark + all info. And changed name to Monte Gummerii.
rudysoto1 changed M8RK-75X Ingvar Ragnarsson King Denmark + all info. And changed name to Monte Gummerii.
Karen7,395 changed name to Monte Gummerii. + deleted all info
Ug7CkEK1LDEHaAt added 269 children to GXRD-WLF unknown
Ug7CkEK1LDEHaAt added 277 children to GXRD-VYK unknown
Jeffrey Solomon added 278 children to GFR1-4HJ unknown
Jeffrey Solomon added 272 children to GFR1-CLT unknown
MAbVl4g3TIzlc changed G987-Z94 Ragnvald Ragnarsson to unknown + deleted all info. + deleted ID.
QNcN7sNsHvvb deleted GWPP-N22 Ivar "the Boneless" Ragnarsson + deleted all info. + deleted ID.
K6unICXHRdUM transferred all of marisahert1’s 345 entries to GFDP-CH6 unknown
Joe9,953 & other user names, transferred all of marisahert1’s 196 entries to GFG6-G7X
UlLkLXiYFC2i entered 345 entries into GFPX-V2M unknown
UILkLXiYFC2j entered 346 entries into GFPS-YBW unknown
UILkLXiYFC2j entered 346 entries into GFPZ-FCS unknown
UILkLXiYFC2j entered 346 entries into GFPS-1G6 unknown
MAbVl4g3Tizlc entered 174 entries into GFBX-NH5 unknown male married to
M8RK-75X Monte Gummerii, should be M8RK-75X Ingvar Ragnarsson King Denmark
MAbVl4g3Tizlc entered 315 entries into GFBX-NH5 unknown
QNcN7sNsHvvb changed GZ8D-JRG to Monte Gummerii + deleted all info. + deleted ID. Should be Gommoric Ingvarsson
MAbVl4g3Tizlc changed GFZV-7FM to unknown, should be Thyra Dannebod + changed sex & deleted all info.
joe7,896 changed M8RK-75X to Monte Gummerii + deleted all info. + added second male, unknown + added 233 entries
Sally333 added 200 entries to LHVG-MCS & GF13-LHY two unknown males
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Specifically relating to Bernard the Dane, I have just read an article at The problem with many of this and many similar records is that they represent characters for which there is little historical evidence. I have not been ashamed to break up branches of mythical characters (usually Scandinavian "kings & queens") where their existence has no historical evidence.
In respect of the examples such as you provide at, there appear to be users who add individuals to Family Tree in this way (as a "holding base") until they can establish lines to which they can be connected. I, and many others, would regard this as a misuse of the program, but yet others seem to find the practice as acceptable. (It was interesting to see "King Frosti" listed under this "unknown" (GXRD-VYK) , as he is a character I have encountered in other branches of the tree - at least once with a spouse of "Mrs Frosti"!)
Personally, I believe it best to steer clear of these individuals / branches. Let FamilySearch take care of them, if they decide they can dedicate resources to such work, and concentrate on dealing with more recent figures, for which there is firm, historical evidence and worthwhile work to be completed.
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Paul W
You seem to be giving me an answer to a complaint I made Aug. 29th
I believe you are missing the point.
My most resent complaint was Sept. 13th, about one person that uses many different user names.
Today I spent about two hours cleaning up the destruction that he has caused.
Here are more of his destruction,
UILkLXiYFC2j removed G9W3-16P from GZ8D-JRG + added GFPS-1G6 unknown + 342 entries
David52,486 removed GFZV-7FM (spouse of GZ8D-JRG) + deleted all info. + replaced name with Gommoric Ingvarsson
MAbVI4g3Tlzlc changed name of GSB1-F4Z to NN
YbAyJc2te5ijgkwvOA replaced with GXCW-KM4 + changed name to Monte Gumerii + deleted all info. + added a whodis? G6Z3-177
UlLkLXiYFC2i added GFPX-V2M unknown + 349 entries - added GFPS-YBW unknown + 345 entries - added GFPZ-FCS unknown + 345 entries - added GFPS-1G6 unknown + 342 entries - added GFTT-KJ9 unknown + 172 entries
MAbVl4g3TizIc added second male spouse L5YR-WVH to GX4Q-QG4
@Sue Ellen Mischke
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Dontknowyou, Paul W.
Respectfully, what you are suggesting is, that this one person should be allowed to destroy everyone’s work (not just mine) on Family Search, and no one should try to repair that damage.
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I understand you have a case number. As I recommended previously, use it. Send an email reply with an update, retaining the case number in the Subject header. That is your direct line to Family Tree staff.
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Paul W. you have looked at Bernard "The Dane" de Harecourt G9W3-16P. and found nothing wrong, apparently not close enough. If you look in sources, view source, you see that thirteen of those source’s have been deleted by Karen7,395.
Karen7,395 is one of the many names that this one person uses to change, delete ID’s, delete source’s, add hundreds of children’s names to an individual person’s ID.
you told me to use case numbers in the subject header, should I use all case numbers in the header RE: case #08184391 #08193291-#08184205-#08184223-#08184281-#08184314-#08184347.
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Paul W.
Just discovered another entry, Ingvar Ragnarsson King Denmark M8RK-75X.
Sarah9,215 is one of the many names that this one person uses to change, delete ID’s,
delete source’s, add hundreds of children’s names to an individual person’s ID.
Sarah9,215 added 346 children to this person’s ID.
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Put bluntly, I don't think we should involve ourselves in dealing with records of individuals for whom there is little historical evidence. Maybe there was such a person, but there would have to be multiple, concurring records detailing his life for me to have trust in this as fact.