It seems each week begins with "the premium sites are asking us to join, subscribe and pay $ again." We have to work around it in order to assist our patrons in achieving their session goals.
We have been in contact with several tech support and remote support individuals who continually have to update or ask us to wait for the next upload to have the next fix installed. But, unfortunately, that fix is quickly compromised in the next few weeks.
Additionally, when accessing Ancestry.com from the person page, one has to have another tab already signed in under their personal account to be able to see the results. So, we sign in to FamilySearch and sign-in again to Ancestry at the start of every session.
Can't the Ancestry button grab your profile information or carry the ancestry profile information so that the movement between sites is more seamless. The improvements on the Ancestry side have raised the standard for seamlessness from their website.
Leslie Edmunds
Director, Redmond Washington Family History Center
Technical Support shared the work-around with us. Hopefully the Portal connections will be strengthened and not require the work-around in the future.