How Can You Be a Daily Missionary? • FamilySearch

How Can You Be a Daily Missionary? • FamilySearch
Learn how Elder Gary E. Stevenson's message can help you with family history and being a daily missionary.
"Amar, Compartilhar e Convidar " (Èlder Gary E. Stevenson) Nos ensinou e nos inspirou com essas 3 palavras poderosas ! O Amor é a força que nos dá vida ! E os frutos desse amor é Compartilhar com todas as pessoas ,e, também vamos Convidar todas as pessoas !!! Pois quando verdadeiramente amamos é assim que agimos, queremos que todos saboreiem a mesma alegria que sentimos e queremos convidar à todos a serem abençoados com a história da família da mesma forma que nós somos !
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"Love, Share and Invite" (Elder Gary E. Stevenson) Taught and inspired us with these 3 powerful words! Love is the force that gives us life! And the fruits of this love is to share with all people, and we will also invite all people!!! Because when we truly love that's how we act, we want everyone to taste the same joy we feel and we want to invite everyone to be blessed with family history the same way we are!
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Love these articles, thanks so much for putting them together and giving us invitations!