From where do these originate: ancestors created by FS with no sources
From where do these originate: ancestors created by FS with no sources
Much of the information in Family Tree transferred from a previous system named
For information that the system transferred, Family Tree lists either a specific contributor or FamilySearch. The date is the date of the information transfer to Family Tree, not the original contribution date. If a user changes the information in Family Tree after the information transfer, the contributor information shows the actual contributor and change date.
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Is there a way to find the original sources on these from the old system? Why did the sources not transfer? Thank you
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The source would have transferred if the original record had a source attached.
Have you tried doing a simple search from the person page to see if FamilySearch can find anything?
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I believe so: KCHJ-FPQ and K8PT-Q29 - These are the ones I found with no sources.
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If you look under the "Latest Changes" and click show all, you can see the the original records had relationships. These relationships were deleted reason being "No proof of connection" - presumably because the original contributor did not attach any sources.
I hope you have success in finding some records.
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Thank you - Yes I looked at the history post transfer. I want to connect them into a family as brothers because I have a will with those exact names, but I have no evidence for that location that is already on there. I guess there is no way to contact the person who put these 2 people in the tree?
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We looked up: William Harvey Campbell
about 1790 – Deceased
This name was entered into FT in 2012. When you look at his person page, and look at his Vitals, you can see that the name was changed, 26 May 2012 by DeniseEdwards1. If you click that name, you will get an E-Mail address or you can send them a message. They might not still be alive.
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Family Tree incorporates basically every submission to Family Search since 1894 onwards. The records have come from many different databases including the IGI, the Ancestral File, the Pedigree Resource File, and the TIB. Most of these were first moved into New Family Search then imported into Family Tree. Many of these old databases never incorporated sources that might have been included with the original submission of the data. Or the sources were not in a format that could be pulled into Family Tree.
About the only records that came into Family Tree with sources are ones that came from historical record extraction databases. These will have a source including this label:
However, as you explore the FamilySearch website, you may find that it is possible to find the original source for a person.
Looking more at William Harvey Campbell's change log, you can see that he was imported into Family Tree with just parents, an approximate birth year, and a birth place. The limited information lets you know that this was not an extraction project. If it was an extracted birth record, it would include a full birth date and place or a full christening date and place or sometime both.
So you know that this was a record submitted by a user. If you can view the ordinance page, you can see that this record was first submitted in 2003. That means that it was submitted into the user contributed IGI. The IGI was not designed to include sources. That was not its purpose. However, the user contributed IGI does still exist as a separate database and sometime you can find more information about the record there.
That collection is here:
To find William's record, you need to use the information that was in the original import to generate this search:
The top result is:
It is interesting to see that this submission has different dates for Willam's parents and has two siblings for him that are not listed with the James Campbell and Sarah Sally McCord but his grandparent look the same.
This really raises the possibility that this James and Sarah got confused with another James and Sarah, possibly with some incorrect merges occurring in New Family Search and that two different families have been confused.
A goal with Family Tree is to have a place where old research can be confirmed or corrected. It really is the first FamilySearch family tree system to actually be source based. Previous databases assumed the user was using and maintaining sources properly in their own files. Now we can actually incorporate sources into the database.
You can see here, also, that Alvin Cook Campbell came from this same IGI submission. I do hope you can contact the user who submitted these three brothers and get the information you need to sort out what is going on here.