Reservation list
When I go to print off names on my temple reservation list and I click on Perform next-- the program doesn't filter. It still gives me names that need other ordinances done. Can you fix that? Or am I missing something? Also if the program includes an Endowment when I only told it to print out a sealing, there is no way to take that endowment off the list (is there?) so i have to go ahead an print it then after endowment done and the temple keeps the card I don't know (without making a list) which ones I have to reprint. Can you fix that?
Also, I and my children are getting names that have already been printed when they go through Ordinances Ready. Can you fix that?
Be sure that you turn off all the ordinances except the type you want to Perform Next:
If you only want endowments that have baptism, confirmation, and initiatory done, it should look like this:
Sealings are little tricky. Sealing to Parents set this way does check that the child's other ordinances are done, but not check to see if the parents have all their ordinances done or if the parents are sealed. Sealing to Spouse does not check any other ordinances.
Ordinances Ready should not be giving you ordinances other people have printed. Can you give an example of that for the engineers to check to see what the problem is? Otherwise, Ordinances Ready is stubborn. If you have printed out a card from Ordinances Ready, Ordinances Ready will continue to give you that card until the ordinances it gave you are completed. It will not give you any new ones until then.