Why are Transvaal South Africa marriage records not able to be edited?
Why are Transvaal South Africa marriage records not able to be edited?
The majority are indexed as any other country but South Africa.
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This question probably should not have been separated from Indexing Errors in Suggest an Idea and moved to Indexing. It appears to be about marriage records that are already published, not those currently being indexed.
I know that there are many problems with standardized places and the way they are showing up in searches. I suggest you post the question in the Searches section of the Community with a link to one of the images you are questioning. But, I think the short answer is, there is nothing that can be done at this time about these crazy place names.
I have seen @N Tychonievich tagged in posts about these types of problems. Perhaps s/he can provide a great answer.
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Hi sharonjennings2, thank-you for contacting the Community. I have sent your question to the Historical Records people.
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@sharonjennings2 If you can provide us with the URL to a specific record showing the wrong country, we can get the issue reported for correction. Thank you.
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Hi, not sure how to raise or fix this: the reference is film #008119003, image 655 of 754 (Transvaal Marriage records).
This has been indexed as a marriage document. It is in fact an attachment to the marriage recorded in the previous image, 654 of 754. It is the certificate issued to the groom who was a widower that he was free to marry, and it names his late wife.
With the current indexing it appears he married two women on the same day. In fact, he married his first wife on 24 December 1889 and she died on 5 April 1890.
Thanks for help with this issue.