All what comes in my mind today
"Neue Tätigkeit für ehrenamtliche Helfer
Helfen Sie mit, Ortsnamen zu korrigieren. Auch schon wenige Minuten lohnen sich."
I am from Austria. I have tryed it. I got 10 places in Mexico. Do you realy think, that an everige AUSTRIAN can help you with the names of places in MEXICO ? Maybe there is a better way to do it.
Maybe a Information HOW to do it would help. In Euope the names of the places changed sometimes 2-4 times. So maybe it would be nice to tell the helpers what name to take.
Maybe GPS Data can help in future. Because in Austria we have many places with similar names.
I have added some fotos to findagrave. Sorry I did not transcribe them within 7 days. So nice US Ladies helped me. The result was 79% WRONG transscriptions. Example: RODINA on a gravsstone in Slovakia means FAMILY. But very often the sure name was transscibed with RODINA, and the surename was transscibed at second name. I got some very nasty calls from slowakia because of that. I still have hundreds of fotos from granvestones, but I will not give them to findagrave, as long as there are not people who have at least a litte understanding about other cultures. And I do not have the time to transscribe them.
You are doing a wounderful work. But I think thee is still a lot of space to get better. Maybe more training would help. In the last 15 years I did not get any invitation to a geneological training in Austria. No meeting for interested people. So most people fight on there own. I would like to have at least once a year a meeting in every country where we can have a open discussion about the geneological work.
Some of the best work is done by people working alone. Consider John Harrison, the man who built the first accurate chronometers, or William Smith the man who created the first geological maps. Or Tycho Brahe, Linneaus etc. etc.
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Thank you for your input into community. The best way to get training internationally from FamilySearch would be to access RootsTech. That is a conference that is held yearly and the last two sessions were virtual and free. Those sessions are available online for the next year. During RootsTech itself, there are ways to communicate via Chat to get specific answers to questions, etc. But for now, that is at least one way to continue learning. We invite you to check it out.
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There are also regular, free, online classes offered by FamilySearch. Many are recorded and available to view at any time.