How can you divide one side of your family tree from the other after you have began?
Family Tree is one, single, universal shared tree in which we all work together to connect every person who has ever lived into one giant network of all their relationships. It is not separate isolated chunks of families. Therefor you should not divide different sides of families up. Keep them all properly connected.
For more information on how Family Tree is designed see the Overview tab under the Family Tree menu:
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Hello @Clfrisbee,
I can find many answers so I would appreciate a bit more information so I don't have to type a lot or link articles from the "Help" section. You can see the "Help" on the upper right of the FamilySearch site. It is the "?" near your name.
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this is one massive consolidated global collaborative billion record family tree that you are a part of. . .
It is NOT a system of "my tree: versus "your tree" or even "different family trees that I maintain".
Having said that - what do you mean by "divide"??? what do you hope to accomplish?
Note that you can navigate to any part of the tree -- to any of millions of branches etc.
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also check out these videos to get a better understanding:
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if by two sides -- you mean the paternal and maternal side
on the pedigree you -- you can click on your Father and then click on "View Tree"
and just see his portion of the tree
and do the same for your mother
or do the same for any one of the billion records in the family tree.
it just depends what you are trying to accomplish by "dividing"?
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If you don't want your parents' two sides to be connected, remove yourself from a relationship with them.
I have two completely separate branches in Family Tree, because I have not added records for myself or my parents.
If the advice you have received so far has not been helpful, you really will have to explain your intentions more clearly.
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but whether we use the word "separate" or not - they are all part of a single database - a single human family tree. In contrast to a company like Ancestry in which each person had a disjoint family tree - in FS it is one single collaborative database.