Johannesburg—Cemetery Records, 1840–2019

Batch code: [M3PK-5J6]
I'm not 100% sure what these records are and if they should be indexed. They look like a receipt for a cemetery plot.
Since it is now the 18th and no answers have been given, I will take a stab at this question:
I would go ahead and index these because as Larry mentioned in a similar post with Janet Marie, there is "good information". There are also clues that it is a register of burials or potential burials with words like Headstones, Chips, and Kerbs, 8 feet on some of the entries. It is a film with 274 pages of this register and nothing else; FamilySearch and/or the owners of the records must know this.
For ease of indexing, you can easily mark all the fields blank by using the "mark every entry blank" tool (5th from the left) and then just enter the name on each entry form. You could also use the combination hot keys (Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + B) to do this. Or, you could count the number of entries needed and use the Copy Text Forward method.
Hope that helps! Why are people waiting 48 hours or more for answers on this feedback board?