Can I make a document with hyperlinks and put it on my Person Page.

I would like to make a document to put on my Person page that has links to my FamilySearch albums as well as links to web pages that tell about my ancestors. Do you think that FamilySearch would object to that?
You can include url's in a stories item
but the links will not be true hyperlinks.
but will require a copy and paste.
here is an example of a a FS Memory with a url to a VIDEO link.
all of your FS albums are directly available from your gallery - so why would you need them listed in a document?
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here are some tips ins using albums:
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Thank you for your quick reply. It is my understanding that after you die your account and your Gallery are locked, and the only way for people to see any memories of living people is by sharing the link to an album before you die. Of course, if they are titled then anyone can find them using the Find feature in Memories. But it is good to know that you cannot put a true hyperlink in there, that it would need to be copied and pasted into your web browser. I love your list of reasons to create albums too. Do you mind if I share that?
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check out:
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you didnt really explain though - what you are really trying to accomplish by creating a document with nothing more than hyperlinks to your FS albums. Please clarify what your intent is .
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My intent is to have an additional copy of the URLs in case my family members lose the ones I send them. However, I can always put a copy with my will or living trust papers that my family will have to go through once I die. I also had a member ask me if they could put URLs of websites that specifically talk about their deceased ancestors on the memories of that Person's page on FS. Thank you for the great article about when you pass away!
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yes - that makes sense.