How to resolve "Family Tree was unable to remove the person."

The record for Ellen McSparron L13M-VYQ is linked twice, once to her mother and no father which is correct, and once to the same mother and her late husband which isn't. When I attempt to remove that link to the husband, I get the error above, or if using the app, it responds with a failed to remove message. How can I fix this?
@John1 Ellen is now showing as a step-child to Alexander, if that is not correct you should be able to remove the relationship (Ellen to parents Alexander & Catherine) by clicking on the pencil icon on Ellen where she is showing as "Step" from the Family Members section of her detail page and then click Remove or Replace found in the CHILD Box. Are your saying you did that and got "Family Tree was unable to remove the person?" Maybe try again, I'm thinking you may have tried to remove the relationship from Alexander's box and not Ellen's
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Thank you for the swift response. You solved the issue, I was triyng to remove the father from the relationship as the mother was correct, but removing the CHILD from the parents did the trick, of course the link to the mother was already there, simple when you know how. The step-child thing was an attempt to see if the sticking point was the biological relationship. Many thanks.
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Thank you for explaining your issue so clearly.