Discovery Page
This is a nice idea, but at times it goes all wrong. I was just at Rebecca Jane Kinder, L6H6-PG9,
the tree shows this woman died in 1963, but also gave birth in 1880. There is an alert to the right flagging this obvious error. BUT the discovery page goes about its business and writes a biography that ignores the error. Can your programers fix this in the code that writes the Discovery Page?
Also, this Kinder page is a real mess. If there is a way to report HUGE and MASSIVE errors and have whole sections of a family tree removed, that would be helpful to know. I hesitate to do this myself, but this Kinder area is just exceptionally bad.
Best Answer
It's not impossible for someone who gave birth in 1880 to have lived until 1963. (Not likely, but not impossible.) What is impossible is for a woman born in 1919 to have given birth in 1880, and I was curious to see what the autotext did with that. The answer is "basically nothing": there's just the usual weasel words about "at least one child", and that's it. I think this is one reason the autotext is so vague all the time: it's built to take such utter chaos in stride, generating the fluff page regardless of what sorts of errors have been made on the actual profile.
I don't think there's really a good way for the autotext to handle things any differently. The whole point of the Discovery pages is that they're publicly viewable, without a login. This means, among other things, that they're not directly editable. (Changes to the generating profile will eventually be reflected in the Discovery page, but it can take several weeks.) I think it'd be kind of pointless to have error messages on a page where nothing can be done about them. It makes much more sense to me to just have the error flags on the actual profile, where you can address them.
What I don't understand is why you're hesitant to fix these errors. Who should fix them instead? The tree fairy? 😁 (Yes, we wish, sometimes.)