Help with German Translation of Marriage Record
I have a friend in Germany that might be able to translate.
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Thanks very much. Gary
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Thanks very much. Gary
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@GFresen Here's my best effort:
Da sich ¿¿?? von Seiten der ¿¿?? des
hiesigen Hutmachermeisters Kreß von
Adelheims Sophia Magdalena Gebber-
-tin von hier, kein Hinderniß zeigte,
da sie dreimal proclamiert wurden,
so wurden dieselben im hiesigen Kirche
den 23ⁿ Mai 1827 durch ¿¿Ausser....-
-nesten?? christlich getraut. Der Herr
¿¿?? diese Ehe.
Essentially, it says that since after three proclamations, no hindrance was shown between local master haberdasher Kreß of Adelheim and Sophia Magdalena Gebber[t] from here, they were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony on the 23rd of May 1827 at the local church.
If you use reddit, the folks at can do a much better job at deciphering every word than my feeble attempt.
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Ausgezeichnet Vielen Dank. Gary
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Hello tyams,
Another question. I noticed that you had problems in the translation because of the poor quality of the document image from the microfilm. So, I randomly selected another marriage record from a nearby page of the microfilm that appeared to be a better quality copy. Are you able to this "sample" to better translate the original marriage record that I sent?
Sorry to bother you with this, but I thought that it might help you.
Thanks, Gary
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Hmmm, a larger excerpt is often helpful, especially in very formulaic entries. The Kreß entry breaks the mold because it doesn't begin with "Im Jahr Eintausend..." ("In the year One Thousand...") and it also contains a slightly different presentation of content throughout. While I'm not a handwriting expert, I also think the other entry you showed may be written by a different hand. Several of the letter and numbers have a slightly different stroke and formation to them.
However, I found a duplicate that had been transcribed from the Adelsheim Kirchenbuch at some point which is much more legibly written. Take a look at the lower left of
Da sich auch von Seiten der Braut des Hutmacher-
-meisters Kreß von Adelheim, Sophia Mag-
-dalena Gebbertin von hier, kein Hinder-
-niß zeigte, da sie dreimal proclamiert
wurden, so wurden dieselben im hiesigen
Kirche den 23ⁿ Mai 1827 durch Unter-
-zeichneten christlich getraut. Der Herr seg-
-ne diese Ehe.
Since from the side of the bride of the master haberdasher Kreß of Adelheim, Sophia Magdalena Gebber(t) from here, no obstacle appeared, since they were proclaimed three times [as matrimonial candidates], they were joined by the undersigned [pastor] in the holy bonds of matrimony on the 23rd of May 1827 at the local church. [May] the Lord bless this marriage.
If you have other scribbly German documents to translate, I would again highly recommend because what little I know about deciphering Kurrent, I learned from them.
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Thanks very much. I really appreciate your extra effort to find the additional copy of the record. The link to Reddit is very interesting, I'll dig into that.
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FamilySearch also has a higher resolution image of the original Kirchenbuch entry but I had trouble finding it right now because there are currently issues concerning searching the catalog by place.