In Family Review - is there a way to back up a page
I'm finding that often when presented with a page to review, the top lines are often the continuation of a household from the previous page. For now I have been clicking "Skip Household", selecting other, and stating such, but it seems like the ideal solution would be the ability to do the same thing as when you review a household at the bottom of a page, allow us to back up a page and review the presented household.
Best Answer
@K Kresica and @KRistow, we have been asked to please go ahead and review a continuation of a family on the next page. All names missed will be indexed by other reviewers. The system is now good when reviewing a family at the bottom of the page, it goes to the next page to ask if there are individuals on that page that belong to the family of the previous page. If you would like to make the suggestion to be able to back up a page, you can do so with the Feedback on the main page of the 1950 census.
Thank you both for all that you are doing and your patience while the AI indexing is perfected with the review process.
I've chosen to instead list it as an error and then back out of the page, because I fear that "skip household" won't allow it it be indexed later. Or is this even a problem?
I do agree with the suggestion to be able to work backward though. I've been using surname search and then completing the whole pages but I can't do that if the top household is a continuation...