BUG - Search the help center box, doesn't work on new homepage

I'm trying to find a place where I can report bugs about the new homepage. But can't find it. So maybe you could pass it on.
It's not possible to enter characters in the search box (behind the question mark) on the new homepage. (on the old homepage it's working fine)
Best Answers
@Margreet The Feedback button is on the Left edge with the letters "Feedback" written vertically on my new homepage using the website, full size monitor and Chrome browser
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@Margreet , I have no problem seeing your image if I click on the filename in your post.
You can also use the feedback button at the bottom of the page that brings you right here so you did post this in the right spot.
We have been asked to paste bug reports here in the General category. Generally it’s easier to use Communities than the other small feedback form. Also you can post images here to help explain what the problem is.
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Hi Chas,
Thank you for your reply. But I guess, that button isn’t available on my Ipad.
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Hi Gordon,
I would also like to thank you for your reply. I’ve attached an image to show which search box I’m talking about. I can’t seem to add any text in this search box.
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Yep, I also can't enter anything into that box.
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Sorry Gordon, I’m getting a message that my image is not accepted, but I can’t see in the regulations why. I hope you will understand the problem anyway.
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@Margreet images in this forum are sometimes slow to appear.
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I can see the image if I click on the filename link
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Hi Áine Ní Donnghaile, I received an official message that "a recent image you submitted to FamilySearch has not been accepted, because it is not in accordance with one or more of the site's guidelines." So I guess there's something wrong with it. However in the "For more information about the guidelines for adding images to FamilySearch Community, visit: https://www.familysearch.org/help/helpcenter/article/community-code-of-conduct" nothing is mentioned about the rules around images.
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If you only posted one image, then I can see it also just fine by clicking on the link in your post. There’s certainly nothing wrong with your image that I can see. It’s just a screen shot of the Help Center search box.
The software behind Community is kind of glitchy at times. Just ignore that letter you got in this case.
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As Gordon mentioned the software is glitchy at times. There is a bot in charge of images, and the bot sometimes decides that something is under copyright (and should not be posted as a result) when it is not. I've had that happen to me more than once.