Ordinances Ready: FamilySearch App Feature Helps Find Temple Ordinances for Your Ancestors • FamilySearch

For Church members, the ultimate temple and family history goal is to provide saving ordinances for their ancestors.This can happen whether …
I want to Share B & C with my granddaughter, but all I see are male names from Ordinances Ready. How can I share my female names with my granddaughter?
Doug Kirkpatrick
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Don't use Ordinances Ready. That is only for ordinances for the sex of the logged in user for one temple session.
Go directly to your Reservation list: https://www.familysearch.org/temple/reservations From there you can share directly with another individual, or print ordinance cards for the desired ordinances.
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I'm a bit confused about Ordinances Ready which I have been using for some time now. Sometimes a name will show up (for instance SP) that is ready to be done but one or both parents are lacking all or some of the work. Don't the parents have to be sealed to each other before children can be sealed to them? So basically I'm asking if names showing up under ordinances ready are really ready or should we check to be sure all of the other work has been done before proceeding? It seems like just using this list could get some of the ordinances out of order at times.
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Please sign in to FamilySearch to view this Help Center article:
Why are the temple ordinance dates out of order in Family Tree?
"The Ordinances Ready feature allows sealings to be done before the individual ordinances. It is acceptable to perform these sealing-to-spouse ordinances without checking that the individual ordinances have been performed."
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what have you done with the Temple icon. I can,t find it anymore
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I can’t find the temple icon
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This is not an easy adventure and I can't find a way to get the names I am lo
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How can I find out if my ancestors have had ordinances done for them already?
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In your LDS Membership connected FamilySearch account, you should see an Ordinances tab for each person. Check your account settings - https://www.familysearch.org/identity/settings/account Make sure that "Show Temple Options" is turned on.
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How do I change my address in FamilySearch? When I print off family names for ordinances, my information on the name slip is my previous address. How can I update my address since I have moved?
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Under your username, select Settings, then Account, and scroll down to General: https://www.familysearch.org/identity/settings/account
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Why can’t I get on my account at family search to request names and check ordinance that have been done
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Please contact FamilySearch Support for help with your account.
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When I do ordinances ready for Baptism and Confirmation, 3 of the 4 people listed have no sources and I cant see how they became attached to my family tree. No sources for several generations. Is there a way to bypass these 3 and get others to take to the temple?
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You can research the persons that Ordinances Ready is giving you to find sources to document their information. Or you can research in the Family Tree and add new people to the Tree who need all their ordinances. Then you would not need to rely on Ordinances Ready.
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I used Ordinance Ready, and took the cards to the sealing room. When the sealings were completed, I went home and tried to enter the sealing dates in my genealogical softward program. Exactly half of the sealings that were done had no link to my family lines. I did some research to follow the families (ancestors and descendants) of these persons—still no connection could be made to my family lines. Meanwhile, I have four pages of My Reservations that have expiration dates listed beyond which I will not have reservations for them anymore. I will not be using Ordinance Ready again.
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WellsBettyAnn1 WellsBettyAnn1 Thank you for your feedback and I'm sorry to hear you had this experience. Family Search is integrated with the temple system now so you should not have to enter the sealing dates in, after you complete the ordinance, they should pop up as completed as soon as the temple has a chance to get them recorded. Regarding the names not being in your family lines. FamilySearch pulls names from your genealogy who have the necessary documentation to complete their work for them. If they were more than 10 generations back, however, you have to track them manually. The system only goes back so many generations. So, likely were still in your family history, the algorithym of the program doesn't track them that far. Did you try tracking them by RIN number? Or following the line you know to go back quite a ways? Sometimes that is easier. And having said all that, Family Tree is open-edit and collaborative. Users can put in names of individuals into the Family Tree without documentation. So, if you're working collaboratively with others, using names to take to the temple, they have put in from your family tree, be certain and double check they have documentation attached to that individual proving those dates and relationships and when in doubt, make sure to look it up and prove their work is correct and belongs in your family tree.
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My dad wants to be sealed to his parents that are deceased and their temple work is done. When my dad met with his Bishop, Bishop asked if the paperwork is ready. What paperwork?
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Have your father call the temple he wishes to complete the sealing to parent ordinance in. They will schedule a time for this ordinance and will let him know of anything he needs to bring in addition to his recommend.0 -
Great information !!
There is another option to request ordinances using an Android Device:
Once you have downloaded the lds tools app, select "My Temple", select "Ready Ordinances"
Please, update this blog to include this option.
Brother Francisco Ortega Marrero, 407-818-7543, famortegaramos@gmail.com
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