Research Help Challenges
I am a very heavy user of FamilySearch and a few days ago a change was made that is problematic. When I attach a source in "Research Help" when complete, previously I clicked the button on the lower left labeled "Return to Details" which worked out really well. This allowed me to immediately move to the next source in Research Help. Now the "Return to Details" button has been changed to "Return to Record" this is terrible because it makes it difficult to move to the next source. My preference would be that you move it back to the way it was before.
I agree that the change makes no sense, but not because it's a change: when I use a research hint's "review and attach" button, it opens in a new tab, so neither option on the Source Linker page has any utility for me. I close that tab and go back to the profile to move to the next hint.
What am I doing differently?
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That's my workflow, too, Julia. The hint always opens in a new tab. If I'm not careful - or get distracted - I wind up with a dozen tabs open to the same person's profile. Using Windows 10, Firefox 102, all fully updated.