Location addition
"Bridge City" is already in the database, as an alternate name of Prairie View (https://www.familysearch.org/research/places/?searchTypeaheadInputText=Bridge%20City&text=Bridge%20City&focusedId=5173634). If you need to enter a post-1970 event, you can do so as Bridge City, associating it with the Prairie View entity for the "standardized" location: that'll put the pin in the right place on the map, which is the important consideration.
If you'd like to make suggestion for a change to an existing entity, use the "Improve This Place" button to the right of the placename. To suggest an entirely new place, use the "Suggest A New Place" link at the top left. (You may need to open the search pane by clicking the bulleted-list-paper-thingy icon.)
This discussion has been closed.