Need to find birth record for Samual Downs Kennell. Family Search ID # LCV3-5XG
You are looking for the baptism record for Samual Downs Kennell on 29 September 1772 at Fillongley, Warwickshire, England. Based on that information I would expect to find the record here:
You can access this page by:
From the familysearch home page, click Search then choose catalog from the dropdown menu. In the place field, enter England, Warwickshire, the default that appears below. Click Church Records in the subject results. Click "Parish registers for Fillongley, 1538-1947." Scroll down to "Baptisms, marriages, burials, 1538-1877. " Click the camera icon at the end of the row to access images. Navigate to image 231 of 936 using cues from beginning of film section notes. This is the page for baptisms for 1772. However, I do not see your person mentioned.
It would probably be a good idea to also check the bishop's transcripts. However, these must be viewed at a family history center. I did not check to see whether findmypast has these records on line or not, but they may.