I need clarification on indexing multiple names in a field
I really need some clarification on this. Here is the batch I am currently working on: US, New York, Finger Lakes—Index to Land Records, Grantors, 1630–1975 [Part C][M35Q-H61]
I have not had multiple names in both fields for Grantors and Grantees before. I know I am supposed to record each name, but I'm overthinking and have confused myself.
Here is a scenario:
Jana H and John Sample are the Grantors. Sam and Lisa Example are the Grantees.
So, I am indexing Jana H Sample in the Grantor field and put Sam Example in the Grantee field. Next entry would be Jana H Sample as Grantor and Lisa Example as Grantee. Next entry, John Sample as Grantor, and Sam Example as Grantee. Then next (and hopefully!!) last entry would be John Sample as Grantor and Lisa Example as the Grantee. Or do I have it all wrong?
Thanks for any help!
Best Answer
You have it just right, Denise. Likewise, if there were 3 Grantors and 3 Grantees you would need 3x3=9 Separate entries, one for each Grantor-Grantee pair. And so on for any combination of #s of Grantors and Grantees. All entries would have the same transaction details but the Grantors and Grantees would change. The order doesn’t matter, as long as you account for every pair.
In doing the above you are abiding by these instructions from the “What To Remember About This Project” section of the instructions:
- If multiple grantors were listed for a single transaction, index information about each one using separate entries in the data entry area.
- If multiple grantees were listed for a single transaction, index information about each one using separate entries in the data entry area.